Hygge Self-Care Part 2

Hi everyone, I hope you’re enjoying the warm weather. It is so good to feel the warmth in the air, and to see the blue skies and golden sun. The countryside is in full bloom and it’s amazing!

So here is Part Two of Hygge Self-Care.

  • Let yourself be playful - if you let yourself be more playful, it leads to greater happiness. Dancing in the rain, splashing in puddles, riding a bike, skipping, swimming in rivers, lakes or the sea, roller skating or kicking your way through piles of leaves, all the things we did when we were kids, bring them back and enjoy them.

  • Get outside - One of the quickest ways to make ourselves happier and nourish self-care is to get outside and walk in nature. Listening to the birds singing, the wind sighing through trees, sun casting a dappled glow on the ground and simply surrounding ourselves with nature is a great way to boost our mood straight away.

  • Create a cosy home - The world is an exhausting place, so by making your home as cosy and comfortable as possible will give you the rest you need to take on the day. Don’t slavishly follow the latest trend, decorate your home with the things that bring you comfort.

  • Keep a Journal - Journaling is a good way to ease stress, organise our thoughts, feed into our creativity and solve our problems.

  • Gather your family together - It is much healthier to have a smaller circle of friends that support and love you rather than a huge circle of friends that can exhaust you.

  • Make a bucket list - Life is busy once again, so make a bucket list of the things that you would most like to do and make time to start ticking them off. We are very good at putting our wishes to one side so now’s the time to look after ourselves and what we would like to do.

  • Listen to music - listen to beautiful music while you commute, clean or have a bath. The right music lifts our spirits and creates a peaceful environment.

  • Live with gratitude - Be thankful for all the good things in your life every day no matter how small. Not everyone is as lucky as we are to have a roof over their heads and food to eat.

  • Start a hobby - By immersing yourself in a hobby, it relieves stress and lets you tap into your creative side. Look for hobbies you love doing.

  • Buy yourself flowers - beautiful flowers make everyone happy. So don’t wait for someone to buy you flowers, treat yourself to a bouquet and then if you want to split it into smaller bouquets to put around the house or even take to work.

There are so many ways to care for yourself. Just think this thought, be healthily selfish and look after your well-being. It’s the little things that help a lot.

Until next time, take care and peaceful wishes.


New Directions


Hygge Self-Care - Part One