Hygge in Spring

Hello everyone and here we are in February. Where is this year going already? Time is flying by, but the nights are lighter, the days are trying to get a little bit warmer, and there are lambs and some snowdrops appearing so life is good.

If you haven’t starting bringing hygge into your life, Spring is a great time to start some hygge habits. It’s really quite a simple thing to do. It’s taking the time to stop for a little while and breathe in the fresh spring air after the winter. It’s the feeling of new green grass underneath your feet, and the smell of those early spring blooms that waft by you on the breeze. Above all it’s that time of year when the earth wakes up from it’s long winter sleep and recuperation.

The spring hygge habits that I’m going to suggest are those that get me into a state of hyggelig. That feeling of peace and well-being. If you want to, please get in touch with some of YOUR spring hygge habits and share them with us.

AIR BEDDING OUTSIDE - I love washing the bedding and hanging them outside on the washing line to let the fresh air dry them. Nothing beats the smell of fresh air and sunlight and it really means spring to me.

SUNDAY DRIVES - nothing beats jumping in the car on a Sunday and heading out and just driving to different places either in your neighbourhood or a bit further afield. Why not take a flask of hot chocolate with you to enjoy somewhere quiet or just drive on the open road enjoying our gorgeous scenery.

PICNICKING - It can sometimes be warm enough even in March for a picnic out in nature. Even on a rainy day (unless it’s pouring down!) Pack a big umbrella, wrap up in waterproofs and warm clothing, take a flask of hot soup, crusty bread and cheese and see where you can find that you can sit and listen to the rain and enjoy a warm meal.

NATURE WALKS - We are so lucky round here that we are surrounded by nature and have some great walks. There are churchyards that are smothered in snowdrops and daffodils, the heralders of Spring, woods that before long will glow a misty blue with bluebells and that gorgeous shimmer of fresh leaf green that is bursting out around us.

OPEN THE WINDOWS - On a warmer day, bring that spring freshness into the house and open a window at night and enjoy the fresh air while you sleep. Pop on an extra blanket just in case it gets a bit nippy!!

FRESH FLOWERS - I love fresh flowers, and at this time of year there are the most wonderful flowers about. Daffodils, lilac, tulips are just a few and bring a lovely smell into the house plus a welcome splash of spring colour.

I hope that this hygge spring guide gives you some ideas and will help you to experience hygge at this Springtime. It’s not all about spending money to bring hygge in, because hygge is a feeling, an experience. It’s more often felt when surrounded by family and friends, good food and nature. Explore what hygge is for you and ENJOY!

Until next time, take care and peaceful wishes.


Kitchen Hygge


Creating a Hygge Home